Most of us think we’re doing a good job of protecting the water body we live on, but are we really? In only 15 minutes, you can find out how your property contributes to lake health by taking the online MICHIGAN SHORELANDS SURVEY:
- Just go to: and click Rate Your Shoreland to register.
- Then answer a short list of questions, such as:
- Do you maintain a natural barrier between your lawn and the shoreline?
- Do you maintain your septic system properly, having it serviced and pumped-out every three to five years?
- Are taking steps to prevent erosion near the shoreline?
- Those who’ve taken the survey say it’s really kind of fun!
- High scores are given a Bronze, Silver, or Gold rating if you are into that kind of thing.
- Above all, you can learn a lot about how to protect the lake.
- You’ll know how to prevent erosion along the Shoreline Zone.
- You’ll understand the importance of trees and native plants in a wide Buffer Zone.
- You’ll see the connection between hard surfaces in the Upland Zone and increased runoff going into the lake.
- You’ll know which PAST actions you’ve taken that protect the water.
- You’ll get customized recommendations for which NEW actions you can take to do an even better job.
- They survey is full of background information, definitions, and tips, which will answer almost any question you have about what beneficial shorelands look like.
- Your lake will be better off when many landowners take action to improve their property.
The survey can be taken anonymously, but TLA would prefer our members provide their names and addresses. Please select Three Lakes Association so we know how many people from Torch, Bellaire, Clam, and the Grass River have taken the survey. We may share this information with our partners on these lakes, but the information will not be used for any other purpose.
Please reach out if you’d like help taking the survey or if you are ready to make some changes. We can direct you to resources.

TLA Projects:
Contact the Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council (231-347-1181) to obtain your unique ID number and head to the database to unlock the results for your property.
- Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership for all things related to shoreline stewardship
- Learn about the MI Shoreland Stewards program and become a certified Shoreland Steward
- Lake-Friendly Up North Landscaping and Lawn Care Tips
- Learn more about greenbelts
- Contact a Certified Natural Shoreline Professional for support on stabilizing your shoreline
- Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program Guide
- Natural Shorelines for Inland Lakes: A Simple Solution for Lakefront Property Owners
- Sensible Shoreline Development: A Guide for Shoreline Homeowners
- The Water’s Edge: Helping Fish and Wildlife on Your Lakeshore Property
- Understanding, Living with, and Controlling Shoreline Erosion
Information from the Antrim Conservation District: