For many years, Three Lakes Association has been concerned about the health and navigability of Grass River. Of particular concern is the sedimentation which has reduced the channel depth and impedes navigation along Grass River.
In this section of the website, we have collected information on the various studies and projects that have been developed on this topic.
Report: Understanding the Hydrologic Landscape to Assess Trajectories of Sediment Sources and Stream Condition in the Grass and Rapid River Watersheds
In 2012, a study was initiated to better understand the nature of the issues of both Rapid River and Grass River. The project team consisted of researchers, technicians, and students at Michigan State University, and the State University of New York Brockport, along with employees of the Natural Resources Department of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, and Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. Field efforts, later analysis, and consideration of recommendations were greatly aided by the volunteer efforts of Dean Branson and Fred Sittel from the Three Lakes Association and Bob Kingon from the Elk-‐Skegemog Lake Association.
This report is quite large. We have included the complete report, as well as a segmented version which consists of smaller segments, which can be downloaded as desired.
Full Report (5.5mb): Grass & Rapid Rivers, Final Report 2014
Segmented Report (each approx. 2mb):
- Pages 1-26: Grass & Rapid Rivers, Final Report 2014_Part1
- Pages 27-38: Grass & Rapid Rivers, Final Report 2014_Part2
- Pages 39-48: Grass & Rapid Rivers, Final Report 2014_Part3
- Pages 49-57: Grass & Rapid Rivers, Final Report 2014_Part4
- Pages 58-60: Grass & Rapid Rivers, Final Report 2014_Part5
At the TLA Annual Meeting on August 22, 2013, Dr. Anthony Kendall presented a summary of the findings from this study: Sedimentation Build-Up Along the Grass, Rapid and Torch Rivers
Large Woody Debris Demonstration Project
Based on some of the findings in this study and other investigations, Three Lakes Association has helped support a demonstration project using Large Woody Debris to investigate a way to influence the way that sediment is channeled in Grass River. For more information, see our overview.
Grass River & Tributaries Restoration Assessment: 2011 Findings
This report was developed by the TLA summer interns: Grass River Tributaries Restoration Assessment:2011 Findings