CLMP Funding at Risk?
Each year, CLMP volunteers collect water quality data which is used in water resources management and protection programs. This program has been collecting data for Michigan lakes for over 40 years. Three Lakes Association has participated in this program continuously since 2004. Our CLMP volunteers collect information on Lake Bellaire, Clam Lake and Torch Lake. You can find the reports for our lakes on our website: Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program.
TLA has learned that the MDEQ funding for CLMP may be at risk. The existing contract with MLSA for the MiCorps (CLMP) program will be up in October 2018. As a result, the program is seeking positive feedback in support of the CLMP program in hopes of preventing the budget cut that would eliminate the program.
Here is the request we received from Jean Roth, ML&SA/CLMP Administrator, our contact for the CLMP program:
You can help! Your lake may have been in the program a long time, or you are new to the program, we need your input—for those lakes that have been in the program long term, how has the program helped your lake? — for those of you who are new—how do you hope the program will help your community and lake? We need your thoughts and support of the CLMP program. Please respond with a sentence or two or a whole paragraph plus, if you’d like. We need to hear how the CLMP program has benefited your lake, and the community around your lake. (For instance, I’m a volunteer monitor for the program too, and have been since 1994, for us it has given us a better sense of community, knowledge that what we do on and around the lake affects the health of our lake. It has made us all better lake stewards and more aware of our environment) you can respond directly to me or you can respond to Marcy Knoll Wilmes – Constitution Hall – Floor 3 South – 525 West Allegan Street, P.O. Box 30458 – Lansing, Mi. 48909 or her email is my email address is and my mailing address is ML&SA – P.O. Box 303 – Long Lake, Mi. 48743.
Your letter of support for the program may help to save it from an untimely demise.
Thank you.