2014 Annual Appeal
Three Lakes Association would like to thank you for being a friend of TLA. Taking responsibility for the maintenance of water quality through a variety of programs, with a major focus on educating, encouraging and influencing the folks who live, work and vacation in this unique region is our mission. Preserving what has been passed on to us is a responsibility for all, now and in the future. Your support allows us to pursue our mission.
To Join or Renew your membership, please follow the ‘Join Now’ tab at the top of this page. To make a donation, please follow the ‘Donate’ tab. In both cases, you can use your credit card safely and securely through our PayPal interface (no PayPal account is required).
As part of the appeal process, we have gathered a list which highlights our accomplishments in 2013. As our funding relies on membership dues, contributions and grants, please know that every contribution makes a difference. One reason that folks have been supporting TLA since 1966 is recognition of the great mission and the strides we are making. The outcomes we produce benefit everyone. They promote public health, support the local economy and protect and preserve the environment. Again, thank you for your support.
To maintain our strength and organizational health we need committed people as members. People like you.