The following document contains information on road-stream crossings within Antrim County which were surveyed in 2011:
Road-Stream Crossing Datasheets
There are two datasheets for each of 24 road-stream crossings. Each road-stream crossing was assigned a number and an code; 01 SCRN = the 1st road stream crossing on Shanty Creek nearest Grass River..the road is a Road to Nowhere. The numbers and codes match the numbers and codes in the photo gallery showing pictures of each road stream crossing. The format of each datasheet is the same format as used by DEQ and MiCorp for their standardized database.
The following are the lists of the surveyed crossings. There is a picture gallery for each of the three streams which were surveyed (click on the stream name at the top of each list).
Shanty Creek Crossings
Site ID Stream Name Road Name
01 SCRN Shanty Creek Road to nowhere
02 SCRR Shanty Creek Railroad Crossing
03 SCHP Shanty Creek Old hydropower site
04 SCGRR Shanty Creek Grass River Road
05 SCM88 Shanty Creek M-88
06 SCPBD Shanty Creek Pine Brook
07 SCGC Shanty Creek
08 SCUC Shanty Creek
09 SCCDD Shanty Creek Creekside Drive
10 SCCSD Shanty Creek Creekside Drive
Cold Creek Crossings
Site ID Stream Name Road Name
11 CCRR Cold Creek Railroad Crossing
12 CCPR Cold Creek No name
13 CCCR Cold Creek Comfort Road
14 CCTR Cold Creek Tyler Road
15 CCFFR Cold Creek Fish-farm Road
16 CCAH Cold Creek Alden Highway
Finch Creek Crossings
Site ID Stream Name Road Name
17 FCRR Finch Creek Railroad Crossing
18 FCAH Finch Creek Alden Highway
19 FC9310 Finch Creek 9310 Finch Creek Road
20 FCFCR Finch Creek Finch Creek Road
21 FCERE Finch Creek Elder Road, East
22 FCERW Finch Creek Elder Road, West
23 FCBR Finch Creek Bebb Road
24 FCWR Finch Creek Way Road